Jewish Holidays

Date Day Public holiday CW

March 2030

18.03.2030 Mo Fast of Esther (Ta'anit Ester) 12
19.03.2030 Tu Purim 12

April 2030

18.04.2030 Th Pesach #1 16
19.04.2030 Fr Pesach #2 16
20.04.2030 Sa Pesach Chol Hamoed #1 16
21.04.2030 Su Pesach Chol Hamoed #2 16
22.04.2030 Mo Pesach Chol Hamoed #3 17
23.04.2030 Tu Pesach Chol Hamoed #4 17
24.04.2030 We Pesach (Final Holiday) #1 17
25.04.2030 Th Pesach (Final Holiday) #2 17

June 2030

07.06.2030 Fr Shavuot (Pentecost) #1 23
08.06.2030 Sa Shavuot (Pentecost) #2 23

July 2030

18.07.2030 Th Seventeenth of Tammuz fast (Shiv'a Asar b'Tammuz) 29

August 2030

08.08.2030 Th Ninth of Av fast (Tish'a b'Av) 32

September 2030

28.09.2030 Sa Rosh Hashana (New Year) #1 39
29.09.2030 Su Rosh Hashana (New Year) #2 39
30.09.2030 Mo Fast Day of Gedaliah (Tzom Gedalya) 40

October 2030

07.10.2030 Mo Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) 41
12.10.2030 Sa Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) #1 41
13.10.2030 Su Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) #2 41
14.10.2030 Mo Sukkot Chol Hamoed #1 42
15.10.2030 Tu Sukkot Chol Hamoed #2 42
16.10.2030 We Sukkot Chol Hamoed #3 42
17.10.2030 Th Sukkot Chol Hamoed #4 42
18.10.2030 Fr Sukkot Chol Hamoed #5 42
19.10.2030 Sa Sh'mini Atzeret 42
20.10.2030 Su Simchat Tora 42

December 2030

21.12.2030 Sa Chanukka #1 51
22.12.2030 Su Chanukka #2 51
23.12.2030 Mo Chanukka #3 52
24.12.2030 Tu Chanukka #4 52
25.12.2030 We Chanukka #5 52
26.12.2030 Th Chanukka #6 52
27.12.2030 Fr Chanukka #7 52
28.12.2030 Sa Chanukka #8 52

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