Good Friday

Where does this holiday apply?

Location Type Class
Andorra Country4
Belgium Countryno holiday
Bosnia and Herzegovina Countryno holiday
Bulgaria Countryno holiday
Denmark Country1
Germany Country1
Estonia Country1
Finland Country1
France Countryvaries
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Regionno holiday
Bourgogne-Franche-Comté Regionno holiday
Brittany Regionno holiday
Centre-Val de Loire Regionno holiday
Grand Est Regionvaries
Ardennes Departementno holiday
Aube Departementno holiday
Marne Departementno holiday
Bas-Rhin Departement1
Haut-Rhin Departement1
Haute-Marne Departementno holiday
Meurthe-et-Moselle Departementno holiday
Meuse Departementno holiday
Moselle Departement1
Vosges Departementno holiday
Hauts-de-France Regionno holiday
Île-de-France Regionno holiday
Corsica Regionno holiday
Normandy Regionno holiday
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Regionno holiday
Occitanie Regionno holiday
Pays de la Loire Regionno holiday
Provence - Alpes - Côte d'Azur Regionno holiday
Greece Countryno holiday
United Kingdom Country4
Ireland Country4
Iceland Country1
Israel Countryno holiday
Italy Countryno holiday
Croatia Countryno holiday
Latvia Country1
Liechtenstein Country4
Lithuania Countryno holiday
Luxembourg Countryno holiday
Malta Country1
Moldova Countryno holiday
Monaco Countryno holiday
Netherlands Country4
Norway Country1
Austria Country5
Poland Countryno holiday
Portugal Country1
Romania Countryno holiday
Russia Countryno holiday
Sweden Country1
Switzerland Countryvaries
Argovia Canton2
Appenzell Outerrhodes Canton2
Appenzell Innerrhodes Canton2
Basle-Country Canton2
Basle-Town Canton2
Bern Canton2
Fribourg Canton2
Geneva Canton2
Glarus Canton2
Grisons Canton2
Jura Canton2
Lucerne Canton2
Neuchâtel Canton2
Nidwalden Canton2
Obwalden Canton2
Schaffhausen Canton2
Schwyz Canton2
Solothurn Canton2
Saint Gall Canton2
Ticino Cantonno holiday
Thurgau Canton2
Uri Canton2
Vaud Canton2
Valais Cantonno holiday
Zug Canton2
Zurich Canton2
Serbia Countryno holiday
Slovakia Country1
Slovenia Countryno holiday
Spain Country1
Czech Republic Countryno holiday
Türkiye Countryno holiday
Ukraine Countryno holiday
Hungary Countryno holiday
United States Countryno holiday
Cyprus Countryvaries
Cyprus: Armenians, Catholics and Protestants Religion1
Cyprus: Greek Orthodox Religionno holiday
Cyprus: Turkish Religious Religionno holiday
official holiday
Public holiday on a par with Sundays
legally not recognized holiday
Event day

Errors excepted. No guarantee for the correctness of the data.
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