St. Stephen´s Day

Tuesday, December 26, 2000 (Week 52)

Where does this holiday apply?

Location Type Class
Switzerland Countryvaries
Argovia Cantonvaries
Aarau District2
Baden District2
Bremgarten District2
Brugg District2
Kulm District2
Laufenburg Districtno holiday
Lenzburg District2
Muri Districtno holiday
Rheinfelden Districtvaries
Hellikon Communeno holiday
Kaiseraugst Commune2
Magden Commune2
Möhlin Commune2
Mumpf Communeno holiday
Obermumpf Communeno holiday
Olsberg Commune2
Rheinfelden Commune2
Schupfart Communeno holiday
Stein Communeno holiday
Wallbach Commune2
Wegenstetten Communeno holiday
Zeiningen Commune2
Zuzgen Commune2
Zofingen District2
Zurzach District2
Appenzell Outerrhodes Canton2
Appenzell Innerrhodes Canton2
Basle-Country Canton2
Basle-Town Canton2
Bern Canton2
Fribourg Canton4
Geneva Cantonno holiday
Glarus Canton2
Grisons Canton2
Jura Cantonno holiday
Lucerne Canton2
Neuchâtel Canton2
Nidwalden Canton4
Obwalden Canton4
Schaffhausen Canton2
Schwyz Canton1
Solothurn Canton4
Bucheggberg Districtno holiday
Dorneck Districtvaries
Bättwil Communeno holiday
Büren Commune1
Dornach Communeno holiday
Gempen Communeno holiday
Hochwald Communeno holiday
Hofstetten-Flüh Communeno holiday
Metzerlen Communeno holiday
Nuglar-St.Pantaleon Communeno holiday
Rodersdorf Communeno holiday
Seewen Communeno holiday
Witterswil Communeno holiday
Gäu Districtvaries
Egerkingen Communeno holiday
Härkingen Communeno holiday
Kestenholz Commune1
Neuendorf Communeno holiday
Niederbuchsiten Communeno holiday
Oberbuchsiten Communeno holiday
Oensingen Communeno holiday
Wolfwil Communeno holiday
Gösgen Districtno holiday
Lebern Districtno holiday
Olten Districtvaries
Boningen Communeno holiday
Däniken Communeno holiday
Dulliken Communeno holiday
Eppenberg-Wöschnau Communeno holiday
Fulenbach Commune1
Gretzenbach Communeno holiday
Gunzgen Communeno holiday
Hägendorf Communeno holiday
Kappel bei Olten Communeno holiday
Olten Communeno holiday
Rickenbach Communeno holiday
Schönenwerd Communeno holiday
Starrkirch-Wil Communeno holiday
Walterswil Communeno holiday
Wangen bei Olten Communeno holiday
Solothurn Communeno holiday
Thal Districtno holiday
Thierstein Districtvaries
Bärschwil Communeno holiday
Beinwil Communeno holiday
Breitenbach Communeno holiday
Büsserach Communeno holiday
Erschwil Communeno holiday
Fehren Communeno holiday
Grindel Commune1
Himmelried Communeno holiday
Kleinlützel Communeno holiday
Meltingen Communeno holiday
Nunningen Communeno holiday
Zullwil Communeno holiday
Wasseramt Districtno holiday
Saint Gall Canton2
Ticino Canton2
Thurgau Canton2
Uri Canton1
Vaud Cantonno holiday
Valais Cantonno holiday
Zug Canton4
Zurich Canton2
official holiday
Public holiday on a par with Sundays
legally not recognized holiday
Event day

Errors excepted. No guarantee for the correctness of the data.
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